Sunday, February 1, 2009

kids (and parents) nowadays....

Had an interesting conversation with a couple of friends yesterday: why are parents over-protective of their (incorrigible) children nowadays. On more than a few occasions, I have heard friends in the teaching profession complain about parents being unreasonable. Example: student admits to cheating, but parent comes to school and denies that her child cheated, instead saying that the kid accidentally left the answer sheet in the book. When discussing such incidents, the consensus among my friends is that we will never be like that when we become parents. If that holds true, then it begs the question: Why is this generation of parents behaving his way?

I had a impromptu theory. Maybe because this generation of parents grew up in the post-war years, their own parents treated them like treasure and spoilt them, resulting in them spoiling their own children, and the vicious cycle continues. 

Another plausible, and maybe more accurate, theory is that my generation will also grow to become unreasonable parents. I certainly hope not.

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